Acne Treatment

Acne Treatment
At Elias Medical we provide professional acne treatment in our Bakersfield office. There is no need to feel embarrassed about this condition when we have procedures that generally will improve the skin condition considerably. So, if you live in Bakersfield and need treatment for your acne, please call for an appointment today. Our friendly staff at our Bakersfield clinic will explain how our treatment works and what type of improvement you can expect.
Elias Medical
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Who gets Acne?
Both boys and girls get acne. But it may be worse in boys because they have more skin oils. Heredity also plays a role. If your mother and father had bad acne, you may too. Your immune system plays a role too. Some people are extra sensitive to the bacteria that get trapped in their hair follicles. For many people, acne fades by the age of 25, but it can continue well into the adult years.

– Acne Treatment –
What causes Acne?
A “whitehead” occurs when the hair follicle is plugged with oil and skin cells. If the follicle is plugged near the surface of the skin and the air touches it, it turns black and is called a “blackhead.” A blackhead isn’t caused by dirt. If the wall of a plugged follicle breaks, the area swells and turns into a red bump. If the follicle wall breaks near the skin surface, the bump usually becomes a pimple. If the wall breaks deep in the skin, acne nodules or cysts can form. This is called “cystic acne.”
Things that often make acne worse
Things that don’t cause acne
– FAQ –
Have Any Questions?
We also offer affordable permanent hair removal using cutting edge techniques and technologies in laser therapy.
How can acne be treated?
Can an over-the-counter acne product help?
In some people, over-the-counter acne medications may cause side effects such as skin irritation, burning or redness. Tell your doctor if you have side effects that are severe or that don’t go away over time.
Keep in mind that it can take up to eight 8 weeks before you notice an improvement in your skin. If an over-the-counter acne product doesn’t seem to help after 2 months, get advice from your doctor.
What can my doctor prescribe?
Retinoids, such as tretinoin (brand names: Retin-A, Avita, Altinac cream) and adapalene (brand name: Differin), are usually rubbed onto the skin once a day. Be sure not to get them near your eyes, mouth and the area under your nose.
If you use a retinoid, you must avoid the sun or use a strong sunscreen because this medicine increases your risk of getting a very bad sunburn. Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should not use a retinoid called tazarotene (brand name: Tazorac) because it can cause birth defects.